Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Description - Verbal (for a visual medium)

Films are an integral part of our society. It's an industry that never sleeps and one that is churning out product year round in various forms. Be it, theatrically released film, straight to DVD (or rather Blu-Ray and/or HD DVD), or released straight to subscribable cable television companies. Films are a mainstream form of entertainment for the American people. However, a lot of times, the most simplest element needed for the creation of these high octane blockbuster epics goes unnoticed; the script.

Words on paper, written by some of the highest paid writers in any industry are the blueprints of films. I think it goes without saying that without scripts, there would be no Hollywood. As evident in the recent Writers Guild of America strike that took place, the written word is by far the most influential and important aspect of the entire movie industry.
So, how good do these writers have to be to have their verbal offspring jump from paper to celluloid? Well, in my opinion, the better movies out there are the direct products of better writers. Their scripts have to be... descriptive.

Executives from all of Hollywood's heavy hitters, need to feel like the script they are reading is good enough to be made and good enough to make money. I'd say the one thing that gets that script greenlit, is its ability to portray the film through words. Clear and concise, the script needs to describe how the characters of the film look, think and more importantly feel. The words must immediately begin their journey inside the reader's head to help that reader visualize the words. The words must describe everything that is important or part of the story well enough for the story itself to take on a new meaning.

Scripts, whether they be for films, television shows or plays, are an element that needs to be as descriptive as possible for the project to come to life.

1 comment:

Mandy M said...

Great example of description with the Bourne script. I hope it makes you want to watch the movies! They are really exciting and well-acted.