Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Interesting Typography 2

I think different typefaces that restaurants use can be very interesting and in a ways, informative. I'm sure a lot of thought goes into designing the typefaces for restaurants to convey the sense of the food being sold. I thought I'd pick four mexican places to show different typographic elements. 

Chipotle, Baja Fresh and Qdoba all have an organic feel while California Tortilla is very angular and sort of harsh.  I'd say California Tortilla conveys the feeling of the tortilla chips; triangular, sharp edges and corners, etc.  Baja Fresh and Qdoba both have some sort of imagery involved in their names, which also gives you a mental image or sense of the food. Chipotle doesn't really rely on any imagery and just uses typography. 


Mike said...

It's kind of interesting to think about the ones that you'd need to know what the restaurant was, in order to know it was Mexican food, versus the ones that are clearly Mexican food by the imagery.

Pam Felix said...

Hi Gabe --

I love that you give us so much credit for thinking our logo through. Basically we thought, "Gee, those are pretty colors. Let's give it a go."

Have you been to California Tortilla? We're the spunky, anti-harsh place. I swear!

Yours Truly,
Queen of Burritos

P.S. Email me at pfelix@californiatortilla.com. I'll treat you to a burrito.

Stephanie said...

Oooh you got a free burrito out of this one. I am a big fan of California Tortilla and more recently Qdoba.

My favorite thing about California Tortilla is when they have you spin the wheel and you get to yell into the megaphone for a free burrito.